Episode 100: Why Wyoming? (Starring Jay and Shawn)
Every week, Jay and Shawn reach their hearts and minds across the contiguous United States, and connect over a common mission: Understanding the mysterious and nigh-unknowable land of mystery known as the state of Wyoming. Every week, the mystery seems to grow deeper; and your hosts must rise to the challenge, and become even bolder and stronger to face what lies within.
This week on Why Wyoming?:
-Wyoming's state lizard -A troubling connection to the time of the dinosaurs -Wyoming radio hosts: What do they know? -Pork rinds -"Wyoming pudding"
Your hosts on Twitter:
Jay/@extremesalsaing: https://twitter.com/extremesalsaing Shawn/@SnarkyShawn: https://twitter.com/snarkyshawn
This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!
When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.
When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.
Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!
Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co
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