Episode 100: Red String Roundup - Celebrity Imposters (Starring Claudia and Camille)

Red String Roundup is a show about explaining and debunking conspiracy theories, and then providing our own Completely True and Not Ridiculous answers.

This episode, Claudia and Camille tackle two conspiracy theories of musicians being replaced by lookalikes!

Is Paul McCartney a dead man who turns you on, or are you simply looking through a glass onion?

Has Avril Lavigne really been Melissa, or are you making things so complicated?

Wake up, Sheeple! It's time to find out!

This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!

When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.

When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.

Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!

Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Episode 100: Storybook Unlimited: Dracula (Starring Theo and Eddie)

For the spookiest of all seasons, we decided to do an episode discussing the plot of, and our personal experiences with, the original novel of Dracula by Bram Stoker, with a promise that the back half will be regarding our perfect adaptation. We get into the weird plot points, the fact that an official sequel was released in 2009, defenses of best boy Jonathan Harker, all good shit.

The secret is that once we reach that halfway point, we reveal that our perfect adaptation of Dracula would be as a resurrection of the Sonic Storybook series for the Wii, at which point we discuss our Sonic experiences and brainstorm the stupidly titled "Sonic and the Bloody Castle." Knuckles is Quincey Morris. I need say no more.


This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!

When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.

When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.

Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!

Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Episode 100: EUlogy - Heirs of the Force (Starring Alice and Spencer)

EUlogy pays respects to the various novels and other works of the Star Wars Expanded Universe. This episode join us in remembering the late Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force as we discuss space names, lesbians, and six forms of communication.


This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!

When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.

When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.

Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!

Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Episode 100: Through Heavens Eyes, to Your Home Television (Starring Poet (Paddington) and Jesse)

We take pieces of media and examine them from our weird religious upbringings pulling out the religious undertones found in everything.

Disclaimer With how Christianity Is™ we feel like it’s important to stress that this is only our reading of this media and how it relates to our backgrounds, and we’re not trying to take anything away or to say this is the only way to read this media or even saying this was intentional on the media’s part


This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!

When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.

When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.

Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!

Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Episode 100: The ARGchitects (Starring Nicole and Gwen)

Two ARG enthusiasts pitch ideas for ARGs at each other and valiantly attempt not to be creeped out by their recording software's icon.

Find the hosts on itch.io! Nicole (crassula_ovata.itch.io) and Gwen (hope_punk.itch.io)


This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!

When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.

When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.

Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!

Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Episode 100: Laying the Mechanics As We Play (Pilot) (Starring Em and the Packbats)

The Geocacher's Final Run

In this season premiere, Em and the Packbats set themselves a challenge: create a prologue to a YA creature horror story by first writing and then playing a new mini roleplaying game. Something is in this abandoned mine, and it has just been awoken.

Content warnings on the game part of the episode: body horror, allusion to retching, implied death by suffocation, and mention of bugs.

This podcast is hosted and produced by Em (if you know them, you can reach out!) and the Packbats ( https://www.patreon.com/packbat , https://packbat.itch.io/ ), who collaboratively designed the game below. The theme music for this episode was produced by the Packbats in LMMS and includes samples sourced from the Vintage Dreams Waves v2.0 soundfont by Ian Wilson https://musical-artifacts.com/artifacts/248 and the 2MGM soundfont by Yingchun Soul https://musical-artifacts.com/artifacts/1425 . The cover image was drawn by Em, who also edited this episode.

Also mentioned in the episode:

This pilot episode was originally produced for the One Mic Stand pod jam - https://itch.io/jam/one-mic-stand - organized by Riley Hopkins and Andrew Sherman of The Podcast Mines: https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co/

We dedicate this episode's game to you, geocachers, but we hope you go on to have many more runs.

First, describe the situation, establishing the scene around the mine entrance and the route the geocacher travels trying to escape. Plan out the key points for each turn - jumping a fence, starting up a hill, catching a glimpse of their car, moments like that which can function as prompts for the descriptions that come later. There should be enough that, after adding in the ending, each player will get an equal number of card draws and the scene will last an appropriately dramatic length of time.

Also, shuffle your deck of cards.

The game starts with one player describing the geocacher fleeing out the entrance of the mine. From there, players take turns drawing cards and adding to the scene with:

  • a hint of the monster, based on the prompt associated with the card; and
  • the next piece of description of the geocacher fleeing.

Be careful of each others' limits - this is a horror game, you don't want to accidentally cross lines - but being mindful of that constraint, be vivid with your descriptions. Do not reveal or establish too much about the monster, however.

The game ends with the first player drawing their last card, from which they describe the geocacher being caught with one final hint of the monster.

prompt grid:

hearts = sight diamonds = sound clubs = touch spades = smell

2 = pick your own 3 = wet 4 = angular 5 = scratchy 6 = fresh 7 = vivid 8 = crackly 9 = animalistic 10 = soapy J = metamorphizing Q = stretchy K = dusty A = deep


This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!

When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.

When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.

Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!

Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Episode 100: Condiment Kids (Starring Colin Padgett Arnold and Tom Harrison)

Tom and Colin try a number of condiments from all the major condiment categories: vinegars, mustards, goops, seasoning salts, and salsas. Can they finally discover the All Condiment Diet?


This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!

When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.

When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.

Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!

Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Episode 100: YOUTUBE REWIND: THE PODCAST (Starring Kam Konek and Emma)

A podcast wherein someone (Kam @TheKamdyman) who has been online for far too long, shows someone (Emma @ematsca) who has not been online anywhere near as long, ancient YouTube history.


This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!

When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.

When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.

Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!

Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Episode 100: Trans Frasier (Starring Dirk and Rachel)

Assigned Frasier At Brunch: For millenia people have pondered the question "what if Frasier was Trans?" Well finally, here is the answer, in podcast form. Written, performed, and produced by Dirk and Rachel Dirk can be found at the Hearthside Enclave podcast, @HSEnclave on twitter, and Rachel can be found @RachelSCal on twitter


This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!

When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.

When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.

Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!

Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Episode 100: Oh What a Rogue - Eiffel Tower heist, ft. Hamlet & Much Ado (Starring Juliet and Hayden)

Each week, Juliet (@mousewifegames) and Hayden (@waveridden) draft teams to pull a daring and improbable heist - from the casts of plays from Shakespeare. cw: ghosts


This episode was made as part of the One Mic Stand Podcast Jam! Thank you to everyone who submitted, and we hope you enjoy this 100th episode!

When they're out of the Mines, Riley is a Tabletop Game Designer whose games can be found at Linksmith Games. They have a lot of other shows including Never Believe It, If Not Us Then Who, and Champs in the Making.

When Andrew's helmet comes off he wastes too much time on Twitter and streams a variety games over on Twitch. He's also the cohost of the ARGonauts Podcast, an Alternate Reality Game Deep Dive show.

Our incredible show art was created by Alyssa and our Home Depot Style Beat was made by Matt!!

Find out more at https://the-podcast-mines.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.